ODIS process management software holds the potential to be implemented in all of the areas of your company.

ODIS was originally created as a solution for the OIL & GAS industry, yet due to its capacity to deal with highly complex processes and operations, its use was extended to other industries such as construction and mining.

ODIS modules integrate your industry best practices, in order to control and manage the organization’s data, enhance processes, and allow you to make informed decisions that will boost the growth of your company.

ODIS complies with the accounting and tax regulations of countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Brazil and Russia, and can be readily adjusted to other countries’ regulations and norms.

What are the benefits of using ODIS?

  • It ensures best practices: As software developed by experts in each industry mentioned, we ensure that best practices are followed in all your processes.

  • We are part of your team: We breakdown your processes, and accompany

  • You have no infrastructure costs: servers, IT staff, back-ups. There is no need to buy licenses, hardware or internal technical support.

  • Quick and easy to carry out: At a technical level, you only need to have a computer with internet access.

  • It controls that project or expense expenditures stay within budget, minimizing risks, and exerting control in real time

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Do you have any questions about how to implement ODIS in your company?



  • User profiles
  • User role assignment
  • Multiple transaction types
  • Related transactions query
  • Transaction workflow (routing)
  • Custom user tray
  • Approval of transactions via email
  • Role delegation / authorizations
  • Transaction history
  • Image and file attachment
  • User Language setting
  • Material and Service Cataloguing Module
  • Brief purchase descriptions
  • Management of materials in stock
  • Identification of materials
  • Classification of stocked materials by ABC
  • Item analysis by supervisor
  • Item analysis by inactive items
  • Analysis of over stocked items
  • Inventory. Spot-checks
  • Material profiles
  • Request of Material shipment
  • Incoming and outgoing material transportation
  • Assessment of warehouse stock
  • File attachment to each material code
    • Material replenishment analysis processes
      ●Replenishment by maximum – minimum
      ●Replenishment by formula (Target N. Actual, Lead Time, procurement time according to ABC criteria)
      ●Advance replenishment of items within a family of products
      ●Material purchase request
  • Requisitions
  • Quotation Requests
  • Supplier Quotes
  • Comparative Quotations
  • Purchase Orders
    • Procurement agreements
      ● Master Agreement
      ● Price lists
      ● Delivery Note
    • Consignment procurement
      ● Master agreement
      ● Price Lists
      ● Delivery Note
      ● Consumed materials
      ● Consignment Note
    • Supplier integration into processes
  • Purchase of materials for general use
  • Service Requests
    • Bid Tendering process
      ● Preparation of bidding documents
      ● Issuance of Offering Circulars
      ● Entry of Bids
      ● Evaluation of tenders
      ● Contract Negotiation
      ● Direct Contracts
      ● Service Orders with Budget
      ● Service Progress Certifications
    • Framework agreement
      ● Service Orders per work item
      ● Service Price List
      ● Excel-formatted Price Lists
      ● Daily tasks list
      ● Factors affecting perception
      ● Manage Documentation Requirements
      ● Contractor Performance Indicator Management
    • Contractor integration into processes
  • Types of suppliers: manufacturer, distributor, etc.
  • Evaluation process
  • Classification of materials and/or services provided by a supplier/contractor
  • Factor inputs
  • Reports
  • Advances to Suppliers
  • Direct Invoices (Credit and Debit Notes)
  • Purchase Order Invoices
  • Service Order Invoices
    • Supplier/Contractor integration into processes
      ● Accounting memos
      ● Funding Requests
      ● Advances to Employees
      ● Accountability
  • Own invoices (credit and debit notes)
  • Payment collection
  • E-mails to suppliers informing payments made.
  • Automatic payments
  • Manual payments
  • Generation of automatic journal entries
  • Multiple bank accounts
  • Multiple payment methods
  • Multiple Fixed Funds (Cashboxes)
  • Automatic entries for a range of modules
  • Manual journal entries
  • Excel-formatted journal entries
  • Journal entry from total or partial reversal of entries
  • File attachment to journal entries
  • Multi-currency and multi-ledger accounting
  • Distribution of items by partners
  • Set up chart of accounts
  • Cost Allocation Process
  • Monthly closing processes
  • Automatic revaluation of “Other accounts” (by balance)
  • Automatic revaluation of Accounts Payable/Receivable (by line item)
  • Automatic generation and cancellation of provision entries
  • Automatic revaluation for Bank Accounts
  • Automatic generation of reversal entries for bank overdrafts
  • Entry of closed period adjustment entries
  • Closing of the adjusted months and recalculation of balance amounts to date.
  • Consultation of the balance sheet or G/L up to date with possibility of consultation of committed items not posted per account
  • JIB (Joint Interest Billing)
  • Statutory books
  • VAT, transactions, and income tax withholding
  • Generation of AFE (Authorization for expenditure)
  • Consultation of Planned, Committed and Invested Amounts
  • AFE Extensions
  • E-mail notices of advanced percentages by parameters
  • Automatic blocking when a percentage of the amount is reached.
  • Closing of AFEs
  • Asset Management
  • Automatic additions from accounting
  • Retired assets; automatic journal entries
  • Asset transfers
  • Amortization by multiple criteria
  • Temporary suspension of amortization
  • Administration of works in progress
  • Full or partial activations
  • Configuration of Resource Classes
  • Configuration of Document Classes
  • Defining a Resource Characteristics and Assignments
  • Required Documents
  • Submitting Documents
  • Viewing Submitted Documentation
  • Pending Submission
  • Management Report
  • Compliance Report
  • Available Resources Report
  • Supplier and Resource Submission Documentation Report
  • Alerts to Suppliers
  • Alerts to Managers
  • Interfaces