With Wild Data we help real estate agencies to simplify and automate internal document workflow. We facilitate organization, management, document control, and term compliance in order to improve and streamline future operations.


Owner: The real estate agency provides owners with use of the tool, while establishing a confidential communication channel to the tenant. The owner decides the scope of use, and controls what is presented.

Tenant: the real estate agency creates users upon signing the agreement. From then onwards, the tenant will digitalize the receipts and documents requested to make them available to the owner.


  • It stores documents, photographs, and some other digitalized records in the cloud.

  • It facilitates the review of documents pending validation.

  • It eases communication.

  • It generates alerts on due dates.

  • Real-time communication.

  • Any document entered may be audited, accepted or rejected. In case of rejection, an email accounting for such rejection is sent to the tenant so that the document may be re-entered.

  • It is responsibility of the tenant to complete the administrative steps. The real estate agency collaborates reviewing the pending documents so as to reinforce management, and avoid non-compliance.

  • The owner can check on all issues concerning rentals via mobile phone and the file is available 365 days a year.

What data and documentation can I check?

  • Ownership:

    • Property/plot number.
    • Type of ownership (by measures, type of guarantees – pay slips, surety, property insurance) shops, apartments, houses, lots, fields, offices.
    • Type of contract/operation:
      – Temporary rental (reservations)
      – Long-term rental (reservations)
      – Sale (reservations)
    • By location
      – CABA
      – Buenos Aires Province
      – Provinces
  • Documents defined by categories: reservation payment requirements; specific lease agreements.

  • Owners’ documents: verification of documents, rental agreements, expenses.

  • Documents required in case of sale or lease:

    • CUIT
    • Photocopy of title deed
    • ID CARD
    • Copy of real estate and municipal tax payments (to verify FOT)
  • Contract/authorization to sell or lease: authorization to advertise at a selling price plus a price with commission; time to advertise.

  • Upon reservation:

    • Period of time between the reservation payment and the contract signature (deadline date)
    • Deed: Cost & fees
    • ITI (In case of more than one property)
    • COTI
    • Evidence of income tax payment